Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Autism and Fatherly Expectations

Autism and Fatherly Expectations

Fathers begin dreaming about the future when they find out they will be having a child. If a male child is born or is on the way, the hopes and expectations have a special focus. Since the phenomenon of autism affects boys on a much greater statistical level, it is important to recognize the way fathers deal with the news of having an autistic son.

A dad will entertain many fantasies, realistic or not, about the future of their sons. For many it involves sports. They may think of days playing catch in the yard, the boy scoring the winning touchdown, or playing for the Yankees. Other fathers may dream of chatting by the campfire, countless fishing trips and helping a son skin his first deer.

autism adventure
An Autism Adventure

Once a diagnosis of autism arises, a father must adjust to new realities. A boy with autism may have many challenges that prevent traditional father-son activities from becoming a reality, at least for the time being. This is certainly dependent on the degree of autism involved. Many of these activities are possible over time with certain children on the spectrum. And of course the autistic child has individual likes and dislikes like any child.

The important thing for fathers to remember is that they still have a son - a son that they can learn so much from. Once the ego is put aside and the personal dreams are adjusted, it becomes time to go to work, and to play! The child with autism will have his own interests and fathers can, and must, find ways to participate and encourage them. The child will recognize these efforts over time and also recognize fathers as someone close to them.

Life with autism is a new and unexpected journey. Your child will introduce you to new ways of thought and new ways at looking at life. Allow him to take you down these paths and help him along the way. All the traditional and most important father roles, however; leader, teacher, disciplinarian and comforter, still apply and will be needed.

Autism themed books by Mark Ferdinand. Fiction and nonfiction:

Fortune on the Spectrum

Denny was diagnosed with autism at three years of age. Autism gave him the gift of obsession. This gift made him the youngest, self-made millionaire in Texas history. Autism also made him vulnerable to the forces of the outside world, of both society and nature. Fortune on the Spectrum is the journey of an unstoppable young man, destined to succeed and challenged to survive. Denny's story takes you through struggle, humor, love, finance and danger from the voice of an atypical mind. Autism Fiction. Texas Novel.



The Autistic Prankster: Enjoying the Fun Side of Autism

We know about all the challenges. These stories focus on the fun and the funny side of autism. While he may not have typical communication skills, surprisingly this can be an asset in the humor department. Funny autism-related moments are a daily occurrence with this young character, and this book is a collection of the most memorable.

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