Thursday, April 4, 2019

Autism Awareness Month Books

Autism Awareness Month Books

April is autism awareness month! Mark Ferdinand has autism themed books, both fiction and nonfiction.

Autism Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month
Autism Awareness Month










Fortune on the Spectrum

Denny was diagnosed with autism at three years of age. Autism gave him the gift of obsession. This gift made him the youngest, self-made millionaire in Texas history. Autism also made him vulnerable to the forces of the outside world, of both society and nature. Fortune on the Spectrum is the journey of an unstoppable young man, destined to succeed and challenged to survive. Denny's story takes you through struggle, humor, love, finance and danger from the voice of an atypical mind. Autism Fiction. Texas Novel.

Autism Novel
Autism Novel
Autism Novel

Autism fiction and nonfiction books by Mark Ferdinand. Books with autistic characters. Books with autism themes. An adventure novel and funny, true, autism stories.



The Autistic Prankster: Enjoying the Fun Side of Autism

We know about all the challenges. These stories focus on the fun and the funny side of autism. While he may not have typical communication skills, surprisingly this can be an asset in the humor department. Funny autism-related moments are a daily occurrence with this young character, and this book is a collection of the most memorable.

Happy Autism Stories
Fun autism stories
Happy Autism Stories