Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Herpetology Books

Herpetology Books

Texas author Mark Ferdinand tells tales of his adventures with reptiles and amphibians. This is his first venture into herpetology books after authoring the adventure novel – Fortune on the Spectrum. From chasing frogs as a child, to milking venomous snakes for a living, Mark Ferdinand explores a lifetime of tales from the world of reptiles and amphibians.

Herpetology books
Herpetology books
Whether it’s a quest for his first turtle, keeping crocodiles in his closet, or chasing snakes around the workplace, You’re Gonna’ Get Bit!:Harrowing Tales of Herpetology has a story that all “herpers” and nature lovers can relate to and enjoy.

For those like the creepy crawly reptiles and amphibians. Fun tales from amateur fun to professional pitfalls.

Mark Ferdinand has a scientific collector’s permit when collecting venomous snakes. He has always had a love for herpetology books. He has worked with venomous animals for biomedical research for over ten years and has extracted venom over twenty thousand times without serious incident. Knock on wood as hard as I can!!

You’re Gonna’ Get Bit! is available in the following formats:
Paperback (Amazon)
Kindle (Amazon)
Android (Google Play)
ePub (iBooks and iTunes)

Herpetology Author
Mark Ferdinand
Mark Ferdinand lives on the South Texas coast with his wife, daughter and son. Fishing the surf, hunting, gardening, carving, auto and home repair occupy his spare time. He has written on the topic of autism spectrum disorder from a father’s perspective in parenting articles and in other non-fiction venues. 
Having limited typical communication skills, his son introduced Mark to new ways of interpreting his needs and aspirations. As his son grew older Mark became fascinated by the story potential within these amazing children. This prompted the creation of a dynamic adventure story focusing on a character with autism. After completing his first novel, Fortune on the Spectrum, he decided to compile a group of lifetime stories that brought him to the unusual occupation of snake venom extraction called You’re Gonna’ Get Bit!: Harrowing Tales of Herpetology.

Herpetology books author and Texas author Mark Ferdinand. Mark writes novels with autistic characters, Texas fiction, and true tales of reptiles and amphibians. Books available in paperback, Kindle, Android and Apple devices.

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