Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Books About Snakes

Books About Snakes

From chasing frogs as a child, to milking venomous snakes for a living,
Mark Ferdinand explores a lifetime of tales from the world of reptiles
and amphibians. Whether it's a quest for his first turtle, keeping
crocodiles in his closet, or chasing snakes around the workplace, You're
Gonna' Get Bit! has a story that all "herpers" and nature lovers can
relate to and enjoy. A gem among books about snakes.

Mark Ferdinand

Mark Ferdinand is a Texas author and performs daily extractions from
venomous snakes for an internationally recognized biomedical research
institution. After completing his first novel, Fortune on the Spectrum,
he decided to compile a group of lifetime stories that brought him to
such an unusual line of work. Mark Ferdinand lives on the South Texas
coast with his wife, daughter and son. When not handling venomous
snakes, you can find him surf fishing, hunting, gardening, tiki carving,
and doing DIY projects.

Other Titles

“You’re Gonna’ Get Bit! Harrowing Tales of Herpetology"
- For those like the creepy crawly reptiles and amphibians. Fun tales
from amateur fun to professional pitfalls. Mark has also written on the history of mankind and tiki carvings in "Every Tiki has a Spirit" - available in both color and black and white versions. Mark tells funny autism stories in "The Autistic Prankster: Enjoying the Fun Side of Autism". A tribute to the wild boar is made in "Wild Boar: A Case for the Most Beautiful Game Animal".

Mark’s titles are available in both paperback and Kindle on Amazon. Visit his Amazon author bio page here: Mark Ferdinand

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Autism Novel

Autism Novel

The autism novel, “Fortune on the Spectrum” is a new novel for 2015. It’s main character is on the autism spectrum. The story covers his life from birth through his autism diagnosis to him becoming the youngest, self-made millionaire in Texas history. Then things get tough!
Denny was diagnosed with autism at three years of age. Autism gave him the gift of obsession. This gift made him the youngest, self-made millionaire in Texas history. Autism also made him vulnerable to the forces of the outside world, of both society and nature.

Autism characters

Autism Novel

Mark Ferdinand

Mark Ferdinand lives on the Padre Island with his wife, daughter and son. Fishing the surf, hunting, gardening, carving, auto and home repair occupy his spare time. He has written on the topic of autism spectrum disorder from a father’s perspective in parenting articles and in other non-fiction venues.
Having limited typical communication skills, his son introduced Mark to new ways of interpreting his needs and aspirations. As his son grew older Mark became fascinated by the story potential within these amazing children. This prompted the creation of a dynamic adventure story focusing on a character with autism.

Mark is about to publish his new non-fiction work entitled You’re Gonna’ Get Bit! Harrowing Tales of Herpetology.

From chasing frogs as a child, to milking venomous snakes for a living, Mark Ferdinand explores a lifetime of tales from the world of reptiles and amphibians. Whether it’s a quest for his first turtle, keeping crocodiles in his closet, or chasing snakes around the workplace, You’re Gonna’ Get Bit! has a story that all “herpers” and nature lovers can relate to and enjoy.

Mark Ferdinand writes on topics considered unusual for South Texas authors. Both Fortune on the Spectrum and You’re Gonna’ Get Bit! are available through Amazon in both paperback and Kindle.

Mark’s titles are available in both paperback and Kindle on Amazon. Visit his Amazon author bio page here: Mark Ferdinand

Autistic characters in books

Autistic characters in books

Autism in books

There is a growing number of autistic characters found in popular movies, television and fiction. These characters are of varying realism and accuracy in their representation of autistic children. The goal of the piece and its target audience affects the character.

Autistic Characters

Fortune on the Spectrum is a work of fiction in which the main character lives and succeeds on the autism spectrum.  Being autistic is both a help and a hindrance to his life covering birth to young adulthood.
When it comes to characters in books and other fictional media, the experience of the writers will vary a great deal. In my case autism is something that I am deeply familiar with and integrate into my novels.  Of course there are artistic liberties taken along with autistic liberties.

Mark Ferdinand lives on the South Texas coast with his wife, daughter and son. Fishing the surf, hunting, gardening, carving, auto and home repair occupy his spare time. He has written on the topic of autism spectrum disorder from a father’s perspective in parenting articles and in other non-fiction venues. Having limited typical communication skills, his son introduced Mark to new ways of interpreting his special needs and aspirations. As his son grew older Mark became fascinated by the story potential within these amazing children. This prompted the creation of a dynamic adventure story focusing on a character with autism. Corpus Christi author and Texas author Mark Ferdinand. Mark writes novels with autistic characters, and Texas fiction.
New non-fiction title “You’re Gonna’ Get Bit!  coming soon. For those like the creepy crawly reptiles and amphibians. Fun tales from amateur fun to professional pitfalls.

Books by Mark Ferdinand

Mark’s titles are available in both paperback and Kindle on Amazon. Visit his Amazon author bio page here: Mark Ferdinand

Monday, February 4, 2019

Hunting Books

Hunting Books

Mark Ferdinand has started 2019 with entering into the world of hunting books. Mark’s latest publication is “Wild Boar: A Case for the Most Beautiful Game Animal” 

Hunting Books on Wild Boar


Pursued throughout time by kings and the common man, the wild boar has intrigued and beguiled hunters throughout the world. With so much sensational news of problem wild hog populations and unwanted interaction with humans, a need has arisen to remind us all of the nobility that surrounds this ancient and prized game animal. He is near the point of being reviled in some quarters. Author Mark Ferdinand pays tribute to the wild boar and makes the case for elevating its status to that of the most respected wild game species that hunters give chase to.

-A humble hunter makes the case for wild boar being the most beautiful game animal


Hunting Books
Hunting Books

Mark first became fascinated with wild boar during childhood trips to Germany. Here he would visit with family but also learn about the rich history of hunting in the Black Forest and other parts of Bavaria. While visiting castles in the surrounding area he would marvel at the tapestries glorifying the hunt and tribute payed to the wild boar. An uncle showed him the deep traditions of hunting boar in the old country.
Mark Ferdinand lives on the South Texas coast with his wife, daughter, and son. Fishing the surf, hunting, gardening, tiki carving, and DIY projects occupy his spare time. He has written on the topic of autism spectrum disorder, reptiles, mythology, and hunting.

Books by Mark Ferdinand

Beyond paperback Mark’s books can be purchased for Kindle, Android, and Apple devices.